Ways We Serve

Agency Visits

The primary way we serve our local law enforcement community is through agency visits. We visit 3-4 agencies each month, bringing a wagon full of snacks and drinks as a tangible expression of our support and appreciation for all the ways they serve our communities.

While we recognize snacks and drinks don’t change the unique challenges faced by law enforcement, we do believe they are a simple and tangible way to remind officers that they are seen, valued and supported.

Law Enforcement Family Days

Our Law Enforcement Family Day Events started unexpectedly after visiting the Seattle Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Unit in 2022 — Upon visiting their barn and getting to know their team, the idea of creating space for law enforcement families to gather, connect and meet the horses came to life.

Since that first visit to SPD’s Mounted Patrol Unit, we’ve had the honor of hosting seven Law Enforcement Family Day events for officers and their families representing agencies all across the region.

We are so grateful for the Seattle Police Department and the Mounted Patrol Unit for their partnership to make these events possible.